Kiefer is now 3 weeks old! It is hard to believe! Roel and I really starting to settle into our role as parents. Kiefer is a really great baby... he sleeps 4-6 hours at a time at night, so we're not as sleep deprived as we had anticipated!
My parents (now Grandma & Grandpa) drove up from South Carolina and arrived the day before I went into labor. They spent a lot of hours at the hospital waiting for Kiefer to make his entrance. It was so nice to have them with us... Grandma took care of all the cooking and cleaning while I recovered. Meanwhile, Grandpa kept busy installing a ceiling fan 3 storm doors, and a couple of lights. It was hard for all to say goodbye when they left on the 5th.
A few days later, our friends from the Netherlands, Andre & Marloes, stopped by for the weekend. They planned stopover in Montreal so they could drive a few hours to see us before heading to Vancouver to vacation. They are the first of our Dutch friends to visit us here in the States. We went on a few strolls with Kiefer and spent some time catching up!
Andre & Marloes left on the 11th and Roel's parents (Oma & Opa) arrived the following day. They are very happy to see Kiefer in person since they had only seen him in photos and via Skype. They are spending a week in the Finger Lakes region of New York and will return for some more quality time with their grandson on 23rd until the 3rd of July.
It took me a good 2 weeks to really recover from the birth. How wonderful to not have to take Advil every six hours! Breastfeeding seems to be going well. He's a bit of a lazy feeder and falls asleep a lot while he's feeding, but other than that we're doing OK. I am going to a support group at the hospital every Wednesday, which is very helpful. Some of the mothers there with older babies keep telling us newcomers that it gets easier... and each day it seem to!
It's hard to find the time to sit behind the computer and e-mail and update the site. We have started to use our Moby wrap and while Kiefer sleeps all cozy in the wrap, I am able to get some time behind the computer.
Today is Father's Day... Roel's first! We're not planning to do much... probably just go for a stroll later in the afternoon.