We had a wonderful Christmas! Kiefer was very excited for Santa and he helped me make cookies to leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve. We made sugar cookies, Christmas wreaths and peanut butter balls. This year, Kiefer was able to write a letter to Santa himself (with a little help from Mama). On Christmas morning, the kids were so good. They were definitely excited but didn't rip into everything like crazy. Kiefer gave Saskia's packages to her and helped her get them started. She's lucky to have such a great big brother (or "bro" as she calls him).
For New Year's, we celebrated like we did last year: with our Dutch friends and at Dutch New Year's time (6 pm here). The kids had so much fun. Marie-Jose was very creative and brought "fireworks," or bubble wrap for the kids to stop on. It did sound like fireworks and they were thrilled. They made their own pizzas for dinner. Saskia was right in the middle of everything!
Saskia is talking more and more. Almost everyday she amazes me with a new word or sentence. She doesn't seem to have yes and no quite straight because when you ask if she wants something, she'll say "No! No!" when she clearly means yes. Mr. Oliver tends to wake everyone up in the morning with his meowing and one morning, instead of calling, "Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!" she said, "Meow! Meow!" Yesterday morning she said, "Want out! Want out!" She combines "want" with a lot of things: wa wa (water), nummy (food), cookie, down, binky, cheese.
On Tuesday, Saskia had her 18 month well-child doctor's visit. She weighs 26 lbs (11.8 kg) and is 32 3/4 inches (83 cm) long. That puts her around the 70th percentile for weight and 90th for height. She got one immunization this visit and didn't cry until about a minute AFTER she got the shot. She recovered quickly, though.
Here's a great Kieferism that Kiefer came up with the other day. On the way to pre-school, Kiefer said, "Mama. I have to put my handsome on." To which I replied, "Your handsome on?" He said, "Yes. I have to put my handsome on so all the girls will want to marry me." Seriously. Where does he come up with this stuff?
And here is what I found outside his room one morning: