Friday, October 26, 2007

5 months

Kiefer is 5 months today! He's such a happy little guy. We're pretty sure he has a cold because he has a runny nose, but it doesn't seem to bother him! He's all smiles! About a month ago, we purchased a Nosefrida. It's a plastic tube you put at the end of the baby's nostril and you suck on the other end to clear the baby's nose. I know... it sounds really gross, but there's no way baby buggers could end up in your mouth; the tube is long and there is a filter. Anyway, it works so well! Kiefer is always so happy when we use it. Roel likes it, too. He refers to it as the "snot sucker."

Kiefer thoroughly enjoyed his visit with Tante Paula and Oom Frank. Roel's sister and her boyfriend stayed with us for a couple of weeks at the beginning of October. Kiefer got all sorts of attention and many new presents from the Netherlands. He has quite a few books in Dutch now, which is good since we are attempting to raise him bi-lingual.

Work is extremely busy for me now. I have many applicants for my programs and the deadlines to get their materials to our partner institutio
ns abroad are fast approaching. I'm also very busy with school. I've been so busy since the beginning of September, that I think I wore myself down so much that I got sick. I've had a sore throat, headache and general yucky feeling off and on for the past couple of weeks. I now have a head cold so I'm hoping that this will be the end of it!

As you can see from some of the photos in the albums, Kiefer is enjoying the fall... pumpkins, leaves and silly hats. Halloween is less than a week away and he's going to be a cow! The costume is a hand-me-down, but it will do just fine as he'll wear it for only a couple hours on one day! We'll be sure to take some photos!
